Our New Artwork Partnership with Local Indigenous Artists

The ADSSI Limited group has commissioned artworks by local Aboriginal artists as part of a project to further its relationship with people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


Coinciding with NAIDOC Week, which runs from 2 – 9 July 2023, the artworks created by Aboriginal Elder Alec Squires and his niece Brenda Kidd each tell a story involving journey and community and will be applied in different marketing and communication pieces aimed at connecting with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Staff worked with the artists to create works for ADSSI’s engagement pieces with the indigenous community. Also, the two artists attend an Aboriginal art group run by Maitland Community Care Services, strengthening the local connection between the art and our services.


Click here to view the wonderful pieces and read Ms Kidd’s description of her art. 


Our Elder’s Art Group takes place every Friday morning in Rutherford. If you or a loved one are a member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and are interested in participating, please call our office on 4932 5755 or click here.


ADSSI Limited trades as Beresfield Community Care, Dungog & District Neighbourcare and Maitland Community Care Services in the Hunter, and Adssi In-home Support on the Central Coast.

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